Web 데이터 로거

DL30 시리즈
Web Enabled Remote Terminal Unit

Web 데이터 로거 DL30은 Web 화면에서의 원격 감시 기능, 데이터 로깅 기능, 이벤트 통보 기능과 장부 및 전표 작성 기능 등을 갖춘 현장 설치형 데이터 로거입니다.
Remotely monitors temperature, pressure, voltage, and operation status of instruments and equipment through the communication infrastructure, and records them in an SD card.

DL30 Series
DL30 Series Demo Site
제품 라인업 CE


  • Simple web server (e.g., for a trend screen)
  • Data logging
  • Email notification function
  • HTTP/HTTPS communications function
  • FTP/FTPS communications function
  • Modbus/TCP communications function
  • SLMP communications function
  • Report (daily, monthly, and annual report) creation function
  • Various calculation inputs
  • User defined views
  • Scheduling
  • I/O mapping
  • Process operation monitor function
  • R30 Series remote I/O modules available to accept a wide variety of field signals
Function Data logging (only time and value)
Memory Main memory + SD card
Data format CSV
Number of channels Max. 128
Storing cycle 1 sec. to 1 day
Report form Daily / monthly / yearly report automatically generated in CSV format and stored in SD card
Web server YES
E-mail YES; E-mailing can be enabled/disabled by specifying business hours and holidays in a calendar.
Encrypted communication supported. (SMTP over SSL) .
Modbus/TCP Master/slave + Output control + I/O mapping
FTP Server/client; Report form files can be attachefd to mails.
FTPS protocol allows encrypted communication.
Main applications Data logging at field site with preformatted report sending function; RTU for IoT
Available I/O type
and number
Ai x 128 (16-bit analog)
Di x 256
Pi x 128 (32-bit analog and pulse)
MA x 256 (analog function)
MD x 256 (digital function)
Do x 128
Ao x 64
Arithmetic functions YES
DL30 Series System Concept

Devices other than the DL30-G in the configuration below shall be provided by the user.

DL30 Series System Concept

To use the event reporting e-mail function, an e-mail account from an internet service provider is required.
To monitor via the internet, you need to have a fixed IP address, or use dynamic DNS service.
As to types of mobile router to be used with, consult us.

DIMENSIONS unit: mm (inch)
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