CC-Link Master Module

Yokogawa Electric PLC (FA-M3V) use
- CC-Link: Ver. 1.10/2.00
- Supported slave station: Remote I/O station,
Remote device station (Ver. 1.10), Remote device station (Ver. 2.00)
Intelligent device station, local station not supported - Configurator software (Model: FAMCLCFG
Configurator software downloadable at our web site.
FAMCL-01 and a PC are connected through the CPU unit of FA-M3V.

(Ver. 1.10/2.00)
System Configuration Examples
Dimensions unit: mm (inch)
Other Series
Compact, High Accuracy Remote I/O
R5H Series -
Ultra-Slim, Scalable Remote I/O
R6 Series- CE
Compact, Multi-point Remote I/O
R1 Series- CE